Sunday, December 6, 2009


Congrats! to Ms.Jackie Berry and Ms Julie Holley for reaching Scentsy Certified in the month of November! We also want to acknowledge Ms. Julie Holley for her new recruit. Ms. Belinda Curry!!

1 comment:

  1. Starting your own business, as an Independent Scentsy Consultant. Join Scentsy. Scentsy offers income and time flexibility without interfering with your current job, your family, or your already- busy schedule. Because of Scentsy, some consultants who have joined have been able to:

    •Say good-bye to the 9-5 job.
    •Stay home to raise their children
    •Pay off debt
    •Find time for things they truly want to do
    •Take a family vacation
    •Afford new cars, camp trailers, etc
    •Save for college expenses
    •Make new friends and network with other good people
    •Spend more quality time with family and friends.
    •Enjoy life more
    •Enjoy earning bonuses and incentives
    •Enjoy earning trips ( ex. 2007 was Hawaii, 2008 was Cancun, 2009 is Banff, Canada )
